Experienced Driveway Paving Installation Company in Oklahoma City, OK

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Land and Stone Construction is one of the most highly respected driveway paving companies in Oklahoma City, OK.

Over the years, we have developed exceptional skills at designing and improving any landscaping or house design with beautiful permeable driveway pavers that are aesthetically appealing and healthy for the environment. Regardless of the size or complexity of the project, every job is done right the first time.
Despite its supposed durability, concrete is not the best material for a driveway. That is why homeowners have begun the transition to pavers. This is for a good reason: pavers have a smaller surface area than concrete slabs, allowing them to effectively disperse the weight of your vehicle. This helps to minimize cracking and fracturing, which are common problems with concrete driveways.

Our customers rely on us to help them make a good first impression of their property by providing excellent driveway paver services. To transform your asphalt or slab concrete driveway into a beautiful paver driveway, we employ the following materials:


Natural Stone




And more!

Are you tired of coming home to a mundane, gray driveway? Pavers are a practical approach to adding texture and color to any commercial or residential landscaping while also serving a useful purpose. Our brick and stone driveway pavers are more durable than concrete or dirt driveways, require little to no maintenance and are more aesthetically pleasing than traditional alternatives. Additionally, a paver installation can boost the value of your residential or commercial property. Check out our product options to see our incredible lineup of choices.

For professional paving in Oklahoma City, OK, Land and Stone Construction is the finest choice. Our highly skilled staff handles our entire design and installation process with utmost precision. As an industry leader, we are committed to excellence, quality work, and on-time completion. 

Try installing professional pavers if you’re looking to set your home apart from the rest. But first, let’s examine the top reasons why driveway paving makes perfect sense:

Pavers are Amazingly Durable

Traditional concrete driveways have always been prone to deterioration. They degrade over time due to excessive use by both vehicle and foot traffic. On the other hand, pavers have a strong track record of resilience. For starters, they are made to expand and contract with temperature variations. This makes pavers highly resistant to extreme weather conditions. Weather resistance is a welcome feature for places like Oklahoma City, which sees cold extremes during winter and searing heat in the summer.

Easy to Maintain

Ordinary concrete driveways can require quite a bit of work to maintain their appearance. For instance, they stain easily, necessitating costly and time-consuming pressure washing.

Pavers, on the other hand, are easy to clean. If something spills on the pavers, a simple cleaning solution using a water hose will suffice. In addition, unlike a concrete driveway, pavers do not allow grass or weeds to grow through the fissures.

This means a cleaner, more elegant look that is less costly to maintain.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Pavers can be made of natural stone, brick, travertine, cobblestone, and other materials. As a result, they are extremely adaptable to your specifications.

Colors include red, brown, black, and grey, just to name a few. Because of the wide range of colors and designs available, you can design a driveway that expresses your specific requirements and goals. 

Easy Replacement & Re-Installation

Parts of the driveway may need to be replaced from time to time. This process, unlike regular concrete driveways, is simple.

Our professional technicians can quickly remove the components and replace them with the same material, or they can completely reconstruct the driveway with alternative materials.

Using our cutting-edge methods, this entire process can be completed in less than a day.

Contact Us to Schedule a Consultation

Ready to start? Our qualified professionals work with you every step of the way to achieve your desired dream. We never compromise precision or quality, and over the years, we have continued to garner excellent reviews and demonstrate our dedication to excellence. Contact us today for a free quote or consultation on driveway paver installation or any of our other services!

Whether you are looking to add a concrete retaining wall, stucco wall, decorative wall, or pavers to your landscape, Land and Stone Construction is the retaining wall contractor you can count on to get the job done right. 

For more information on any of our services or to set up a consultation, contact us today